Reflect, Recharge, and Choose Hope
Winter is the time for introspection to reflect on the past year, recognize the benefits of the present, and decide to recommit and dedicate our live to our goals of the new year. When you reflect on 2020, what benefits have you derived in this time of chaos? Stop and take the time to reflect on the drama, trauma, and highlights of 2020. In the depths of winter ancient humans would tuck in and avoid the bad weather, engaging in indoor tasks such as weaving, beading, carving, tool making, and learning. Introspection has been the task of winter for millennia since in many parts of the world, it is the only time available when we are not engaged in survival tasks.
Happy Holidays 2020
2020 has been a year of disruption. During the holidays, we can take comfort in past traditions as we continue to isolate to remain safe and healthy. As we head into the Holiday Season, focus on the joy of the present. Even if we cannot meet in person for those large family and community gatherings, we can use ingenuity and creativity to reinvent those holiday traditions at home. Focus on family and friends and find the joy in life to celebrate.
As we Head into the Holiday Season, Focus on the Joy of the Present
2020 has been a year of disruption. Many have lost loved ones, jobs, or homes and have had personal or family health crises, or financial upheavals. Our lifestyles have been altered permanently. And the pandemic is not over yet. Particularly in the Northern...
Coping with Loneliness & Isolation
Are you concerned about about the upcoming season and the continuing lock downs and sheltering? We have adjusted to the limitations of social distancing, maintaining safety procedures of wearing masks, washing hands, and monitoring our daily health. However, in the...
Finding Joy Everyday for Physical and Mental Health
Staying balance, positive, and hopeful during this extended time of the coronavirus and isolation can be increasingly difficult particularly if you live alone. Current research shows that as many as 30% of people are showing signs of depression, anxiety, and physical...
Rebalancing Masculine Energy
June is Father's Day and the Time to Rebalance the Masculine June is traditionally the month of Father's Day in many places around the world. As June moves directly into summer fruits, vegetables, and flowers are all blooming and animal babies emerge. Life abounds in...
Dream Your Future Plans Now
Are you getting restless, anxious, and stir-crazy during the sheltering at home time? You are not alone. Remember, remaining isolated is saving your life and your loved ones. The first few weeks of staying at home seemed like a vacation. We focused on being positive,...
Sheltering at Home Reflections: To the Brave Women of Hollywood, Thank you
April’s focus on Sexual Assault Awareness has us in gratitude to the women who have paved the way for us all.
When social worker Tarana Burke started the #metoo movement, made famous by Alyssa Milano’s tweet, it opened the space for many more of us to heal from our sexual trauma and abuse in a way that had not been fully available before.
We know that for this abuse to end – and we hold firmly in our hearts that it will end – and for it to no longer be the tragedy thousands experience, we must shine the light on those who have bravely shared their truth, while also going deeper into our own healing.
It’s in healing that the cycle of abuse can end.
Continuing Wellness
In the midst of the global news of the pandemic coronavirus, fear and panic are in the air. With the government and business closures, financial hardships are being felt across the world. However, my message remains consistent—we control our destiny with our beliefs, thoughts, actions, and desires.
Stay calm, centered and positive. Yes, easier said than done. Remember: fear diminishes the immune system and leaves it vulnerable to infection.
The Importance of Being You
Although we inherit our DNA from our families and ancestors, we are unique individuals. We all look, sound, act, and think differently from anyone else. Our purpose in life is to find our Divine identity and special place in this world. You are like no other. Trust your instincts. Trust your desires to fulfill your destiny and purpose. You choose your life, your purpose, your happiness. It is in your hands. Be yourself.