Autumn of Surrender
Autumn is the time to easily and naturally surrender that which no longer serves you in your life. When we let go of the past, we open up to our dreams of a greater and more loving present and future of wholeness and wellness.
Healing the Wounds of Violence
Violence arises from fear. Fear of not having enough, being enough, being threatening with having your life, family or possessions taken away, your future welfare at risk, or your safety and security threatened. We continue to react in such non-productive ways because it is in our genes. We are replaying old unhealed wounds from past generations. Forgiveness, love and compassion are the answer to resolve the conflicts of today and yesterday. Until we heal we will continue to repeat the conflicts of the past.
The Value of Revealing Imperfection
Perfection is not a natural state of being for humans, animals or even nature. We are designed to be in a state of flux. This is the way we evolve to a higher state of being, learning and developing. Many
Trusting Your Truth
In times of uncertainty, anxiety and depression are prevalent. Finding our center can be difficult. Our bodies are our primary tool for finding our truth in all situations. Here is a simple process to center and discover your personal truth in a confusing world of alternative facts.
Disruption in the World can be healed by Forgiveness and Self-Love
The world’s chaos and disruption reflection our inner disturbance. We can heal the world by creating peace within my self-forgiveness and self-love. Sharing positive thoughts, words and actions can change our lives and the world.
2017 Happy Resolutions
5 Happy Resolutions for 2017 to keep your focus on positive actions to take to create a healthy, happy and loving life with your family, friends and self including finances. Your ancestors want you to make positive choices to be happy.
5 Hints to Find Balance in Chaos
5 Hints to Finding your Center and Balance after the US elections when feeling of confusion, despair, grief, fear and depression are present. Surrender to reality, feel your emotions and then release them, know that we create our reality and find your center and balance within. Use positive action for things in your control and hold everyone in love and compassion.
5 Daily Practices for Happiness
I recently learned that choosing happiness can make a difference in your life and health. …If we take a positive approach to life, we are more likely to succeed. I have followed the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Sweetie). Here are my 5 happiness principles: Be Positive, Be Grateful, Be Loving, Be Kind and Be of Service. Changing your focus will improve your finances, relationships, health and life.
Clear the Trauma of War Wounds
We celebrate Independence Day here in the United States on July 4th. Other countries celebrate their independence from tyrants or oppressors on other days of the year. One thing most of us have in common is that the separation from prior governments has been violent....
Healing Family Estrangements
Healing Family Estrangements benefits everyone in the family and the community. Families are the building blocks of society and the primary support system when adversity strikes.