10 Tips for Healing Your Genetic Traits

Practices that will change your epigenetics and heal your DNA.

5 Booklets received over 5 Weeks

Each week you will access your beautiful booklet (PDF) with your next 2 steps.

You can print it out and refer to as often as you wish. Each booklet contains two tips to focus on that will help you relate to your world differently, effectively changing the structure of your DNA.

All yours for only 49!

With Awareness you can Change Your Genetics!


Week 1: Clean Air & Clean Water

Poor Air and Water-pollution build up in our bodies.


Week 2: Exercise & Movement

Our bodies need to move!


Week 3: Healthy Foods, Healthy Body

Pay Attention to What You Put In Your Body.


Week 4: Meditation, Music, Beauty and Sleep

Give yourself a little extra time and attention.


Week 5: Social Connections and Help from Ancestors

Connect to family, friends, community organizations and others.

Get your 5 Booklets for $49

Get started healing your Genetic Traits!

In these booklets you will discover information regarding your genetics and DNA and how it is not set in stone. You can change your genetic traits by changing your lifestyle. It’s all up to you.

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