Guided Meditations

Get “forever green” access to these meditations when you purchase.

You can use and reuse the meditations to work through multiple issues.

Healing Your Trauma Genes Meditation Video

$99 (lifetime access) $29 through June 30, 2024

For Deep Healing of Trauma Wounds

Trauma fragments and damages our DNA. With the power of love we can heal these breaks.

This deep meditation takes you into the cell structure that holds the DNA where you are able to repair damaged genes caused by trauma.

Transforming the DNA at this deep level creates a cascade effect in the energy field of the DNA in surrounding cells and organs in the entire body. This healing will profoundly affect your life enabling you to integrate healing that was previously blocked.

This meditation video can be used repeatedly as often as you need.

Ask Your Ancestor for Advice

$39.00 (lifetime access)

Do you sometimes feel alone, overwhelmed or lacking support in your life? Maybe you’re just simply seeking clarity and in need of a little guidance or wisdom?

This Meditation Video can help you every day.

Our ancestors are not as far away as we think. With so much wisdom and support, we can ask for help on almost any issue that arises in our life today. With this wise counsel, we can make decisions with confidence and joy.

They can help us in areas of finance, loss, relationships, life purpose and more.

FREE Covid-19 Ancestral Healing Session

Ariann held two group Ancestral Healing Sessions for Covid-19 in March 2020.

You receive access to both of these recorded sessions. You can listen to the meditations as often as you like to heal multiple levels with the help of your ancestors. Our ancestors are happy to reach out and give their assistance and help us make it through to live a new life of health, wealth, love, joy and commitment to the world and to the future.

You will also get an extra meditation Ariann did for One Earth One Heart where she will guide you deeply into your DNA.

Ancestral Lineage Clearing Meditation FREE to You ($99.99 value)

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