Welcome to Your Akashic Records

What are the Akashic Records?

Every religion and esoteric tradition speaks of a dimension that holds the records of a soul’s journey on Earth and the thoughts, emotions, intentions, actions, desires, purposes, and relationships.

This knowledge is retained for our spiritual growth until we finally merge again with the Divine.

These Akashic Records held by Higher Beings in unconditional love are available for us to access for understanding our growth, development, and purpose.

In the past only certain Masters could read these records for us. Edgar Cayce, the famous trance channeler, accessed the Akashic Records giving guidance for thousands during his lifetime. Now, these records are available to all.

Consider the Akashic Records a library of lifetimes held in a field of unconditional loving energy where you have been fully seen, known and loved for who you are, totally and without judgment. This information is available for you when you need support, guidance, or understanding along your life’s path.

As a Certified Akashic Record Reader and Healer, Ariann can guide you to this wealth of knowledge, wisdom and help held by your Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

Sessions available via Zoom. You will be provided a Zoom link when you schedule.

Why Access the Akashic Records Now?

  • Are you at a crossroads in your life and would like some clarity about your path, purpose, and destiny? Is there an important challenge in your job, relationship, health, or finance now?
  • Are you ready to transform old, stale patterns that no longer serve you? Are you seeking greater health, success, happiness, and joy but don’t know how to access your inner truth?
  • Do you need guidance to find what you want to do ‘when you grow up’? What are your special gifts, talents, and benefits you bring to the world in this life?
  • Do you feel uncertain regarding your direction in life? Where to go? What to do? What is the meaning of your life and its purpose?

The Difference between Ancestral Lineage Clearing and Akashic Record Reading

In an Ancestral Lineage Clearing, we seek to heal generational family patterns embedded in the DNA and carried in genetic traits and belief systems that interfere in our present life.

The Akashic Records are open to reveal our soul’s wisdom with the help of the Wise Ones in the other Realms to give us guidance when the questions we have relate to our personal journey in this life, not necessarily to our family connection. We are free to ask questions, and explore our present life’s dilemmas within the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records Do Not predict the future. They are merely a compilation of the wisdom of the past and can thereby, give us a greater understanding of the present.

Healing in the Akashic Records

Deep and transformational healing can take place in the Akashic Records. The field of unconditional love shifts and transforms energy simply by being in the presence of the Records. Sacred Wounds of this lifetime can be explored at their source discovering the purpose, desires, and fulfillment of the wounds, illnesses, syndromes, injuries, or conditions. Your Master, Teachers, and Loved Ones can guide your spirit on its journey of transformation in this lifetime.

Preparation for a Reading

When booking a reading for your personal Akashic Records, we will connect with the Higher Beings that support and guide us through the records, called your Master, Teachers, and Loved Ones. These may not be beings who necessarily lived a physical life on Earth, but are Higher Beings who are dedicated to your soul journey in this lifetime.

You will obtain the most benefit from the reading by coming with an open mind, having specific questions prepared in advance, and be ready to fully participate in an exchange and dialogue during the session. Ask open ended questions beginning with what, where, how, why.

Consider entering the Akashic Record Session, as sitting down with a group of Wise Elders that know you and your life and asking for their guidance and direction with your current issue. They will not tell you what to do and make your decisions, but they can give you sage advice based on the deep wisdom of the past history of lifetimes.

 The Akashic Record Reading Process

Ariann opens the Session with a Sacred Prayer entering in the dimension of the Akashic Records calling your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to assist in bring forth your records.

We then ask the Higher Beings the questions you prepared for their guidance and wisdom, and for answers to the challenges you are presently facing.

After the session is complete, Ariann says the prayer to Close the Records.

Book A Session Now!

$179 for 60-minute

Available via Zoom

Client Experiences with Akashic Readings

“Ariann is a gifted seer and shaman. She knows how to get to the core of the matter and brings enlightened insight to the seeker’s quandaries. I felt safe in her presence which allowed me to be open about the concerns I sought her counsel for. She heard what I said, but more importantly, she heard what I didn’t say and revealed knowledge and guidance that I couldn’t access on my own.

She helped me to wrap my mind around a new perspective and a new way to proceed with my goals and dreams. She is astute, insightful, and brilliant. I can’t recommend her strongly enough.”

Kimberly Clouse, Grass Valley, CA

“Ariann’s Akashic Reading was exactly what I needed to have clarity and confidence for the next phase of my life. I left the reading feeling excited, energized, and perfectly oriented for manifesting my purpose. I highly recommend Ariann’s reading to anyone ready to bring your life into focused action.”

Misa Hopkins, best-selling author, Sacred Healing Emergence (SHE) Academy
Akashic Reading

Where to go, what to do, what is my purpose?  These are questions I have been working with for some time now. Looking for help, I requested an Akashic Reading from Ariann Thomas.  I have had other kinds of readings before, but this was different.  Normally, the reader gives me general information about my personality, which is interesting, but not particularly helpful. 

“Ariann took the time to help me formulate my questions and, viewing my records, she was able to provide specific answers to these questions.  From her reading, I was able to see that I have been receiving guidance, I just didn’t always recognize it as such.  This validation of my experiences was extremely helpful. 

“I found Ariann easy to work with.  I could tell that she was interested in addressing the concerns that I had as clearly as possible.  She didn’t try to tell me what I “had” to do, instead shared the details she saw which will help me make my own decisions.”

Janet Akers, Bend, OR

“The information I received from the Akashic Record reading by Ariann Thomas was transformational. I was given the key to this lifetime’s focus on scarcity and learned what I could do to shift to prosperity. My Calling for this stage of my life was affirmed, and important information regarding family relationships was revealed.

“Ariann’s years of experience as a shamanic healer and intuitive have honed her ability to be a conduit for the information available through the Akashic Records. Be prepared to be empowered.”

Judith Hurley Prosser, Gather The Women

“I loved the reading Ariann did in the Akashic Records. I asked “what is my soul purpose this lifetime and where do I go moving forward?”.

“I received terrific guidance. The information was so helpful and enlightening. I also received confirmation about a few things I have accomplished already in my life which gave me great comfort. Ariann is a very clean and clear channel, gets in there opens records and receives accurate information.

“I highly recommend doing a reading with Ariann. She is a bright light. Anyone looking for answers will benefit. I am so grateful for Ariann’s dedication to spirit. Thank you!”

P.S., Grass Valley, CA

“I am so appreciative of the Akashic Reading . It was so accurate and it helped me so much with my direction for my future! I was at crossroad not sure where to go and this really nailed it.

“The details that you shared were so true only I knew what I had been thru but you shared those and it blew my mind. I would definitely recommend this reading for everyone. It takes you to higher level. Thank you for awesome reading!”

J.I., Phoenix, AZ

“During my reading with Ariann, the energy shift was subtle yet profound. She got straight to the answer of my question. She held the space for me to move into the new vision, the new energy and possibilities in my life. She also gave practical suggestions and action steps to take that could help me achieve my goals and move forward. I felt a thousand times better afterwards. Thank you Ariann!”

Victoria P., PA

Recommended in combo with your Akashic Records Reading

Sacred Contract Clearing

Sacred Contract Clearing will allow you to rewrite your soul’s direction …
to bring in health, prosperity, love, worthiness, strength, courage, and connection to your Higher Purpose.

This is a powerful, advanced healing technique that is best done after other healing and clearing work.

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