Recipient of 2022 GOLD 

Discover and Connect with your Ancient Origins.

It didn’t start with you. You are the sum total of your ancestors. You were a dream of your ancestor’s ancestors so many moons ago.

Your ancestors worked tirelessly through thick and thin, times of hardship and times of plenty, days of birth and days of death, and forged ahead into an unknown future. They hoped for a better life, a way that would be passed down to their descendants – a life rich in meaning and fulfillment.

You will soon hold in your hands the work of twenty-five author-experts who have come together to share ancestry-related experiences, studies, and tools, clearing the mist between you and your lost family members.

We hope you find in this book a whole new way to unravel the mystery of you, and we believe your ancestors are rejoicing today – the day you heal the past, the day they’ve been waiting for.

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The Ancestors Within II

I am so excited to be a contributing author of this collaborative book “The Ancestors Within: Discover and Connect with Your Ancient Origins” with 24 other authors in the ancestral healing arts.

This is a project filled with love and wisdom led by Amy Gillespie and Laura DiFranco.

This book outlines the many ways to connect to self and your ancestors. 25 different ways to connect, channel, and work with your ancestors.

25 amazing authors – 25 amazing stories –  and 25 tutorials all in one.


Get this autographed copy of the paperback signed by Ariann Thomas, contributor for $14.99.
Selling for $22 on Amazon.

“I love this book. The insights and exercises the authors provide are powerful and useful when you want to heal the ancestral root behind a life challenge. I did the exercise provided by Ariann Thomas and went into a full-blown healing journey. Three separate issues in my life converged and I found immediate clarity and peace, as pieces of a life-long puzzle finally fell into place. If you want powerful and lasting healing from deep-seated personal or family trauma, this is a book you’ll want to read.” 

Misa Hopkins

Author, Speaker, Spiritual Counselor, Teacher , Sacred Feminine Awakening; SHE Academy

“25 authors describe their individual approaches to healing and self-exploration via getting in touch with ancestors on a spiritual plane. This is a collection for like-minded folks; the cynic would do well to steer clear. One of my favorites was Ariann Thomas’s tale of a near-death experience that led to a revelation of generational violence. Her tool for clearing the violence from her lineage was positive and balanced, and connects one to nature. All in all, a fascinating read. ” 

Lisa B. Schliff

Amazon Review

“Ariann tells the story of her own healing journey, which began years before she discovered Ancestral Lineage Clearing. She shares the wisdom of many years working with clients, along with steps you can use in your own connection to your ancestors.”

Ixchel Tucker

Author, Ceremonialist and Spiritual Guide

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