Heal Ancestral Patterns with an Ancestral Lineage Clearing Session

Do You Need a Change in Your Life?

Is Your Past Holding You Back from Your Happiness?

In the quest for holistic well-being and personal transformation, many individuals are turning to ancient practices that tap into the wisdom of the past. Ancestral Lineage Clearing is one method that offers a profound journey into our familial roots, aiming to heal inherited patterns and clear family trauma over multiple generations. 

Unresolved issues and trauma from past generations can influence our present lives. By exploring the ancestral lineage, individuals can gain insights into patterns that may be affecting their well-being and work towards breaking free from these inherited challenges.

Do you feel:

  • Stuck in your job or career
  • Disappointed that you haven’t met the love of your life
  • Can’t seem to get enough money to get ahead
  • Pain or Illness is constantly dragging you down
  • Nothing is exciting or meaningful to look forward to when getting up in the morning

Healing is possible with the help of our ancestors.

Sessions available via Zoom. You will be provided a Zoom link when you schedule.

Services or Programs provided by Ariann are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. See full disclaimer.

Does this sound like you?

There may be just one part of your life that is out of harmony or balance. All parts of your life should be happy. We are here to enjoy life!

Consider your family history:

Did your mother put all her effort into the family and never take care of herself?

Did your father put all his attention into his career and let his love life wither?

Was illness a way of life in your extended family—were there always caregivers and invalids?

Was poverty or near poverty, constantly scraping by and never having enough to make ends meet a constant theme in your family?

Did you get constant messages that you weren’t good enough and nothing you did would ever turn out right?

If any of these scenarios seem familiar, perhaps you inherited a pattern in your past that predisposes you to carry the same issue in your life. The messages received in childhood greatly influence our life from parents, relatives, or authority figures, as well as messages carried in the DNA and chromosomes inherited from your ancestors.

Additionally, recent research has found that we add our own trauma from early childhood such as abuse, illness, toxins we ingested, pollution and other noxious elements into our genetic makeup. If we don’t clear these components from our systems during our lifetimes, we risk passing these genetic markers to our descendants in the future.

Here’s what our clients have to say:

“[ALC] is a very personal process that allows me to review my own story, to learn, to couch myself, to formulate and receive insights as well as to acquire strength and motivation to the journey; it is a process that re-centers me and that gives me a lot of peace, pleasure and a deep sense of purpose.”

M.A., Portugal

“Your ALC [session] was one of the most powerful experiences that I can remember.  I am so grateful to have experienced your profound work – just when I needed it most!!”

H. Sherry, Southern CA


“I did not understand the power held over me by my ancestral lineage until I worked with Ariann. My life has changed, I am changed. I am now doing exactly what I wanted to do, with no restrictions.”

Heather P. Santa Fe, NM

“The Ancestral Lineage Clearing breaks the vibrational link with which the cellular memories are passed forward through the generations. It is an extraordinary process and I am very grateful to Ariann for her skill and awareness, as she guided me into the understanding of discovered truths and compassion for my family and myself.”

A. W., Bend , OR

“It has been a great experience with the ancestral healing session with you. The day we did the session, I could feel a tremendous energy shift within myself. …I have been feeling extraordinarily calm ever since and it is as if a lot of energy related to lack of abundance and love has dissipated.”

S. B., India

“Ancestral Lineage Clearing made me aware of issues which have affected our family for generations … it has enabled me to see my family members without a lot of the old emotions that got in the way of healthy relationships with them.”

Sandra White Hawk, PA

If you want a Better Life then change patterns of your past history you don’t like and …

˜ Retrieve the abundance and prosperity you deserve and release beliefs about poverty and lack.

˜Renew your relationships with fresh perspectives and leave behind resentment, bitterness, and bad feelings

˜ Refresh your soul and the desire for fulfillment and satisfaction by finding right livelihood and your career purpose.

˜ Restore health to your mind and body by changing DNA messages and fortifying your body with new blueprints.

Photo credit: rolands.lakis / Foter / CC BY

More Questions or Concerns

Why should I do this now?

By ordering now you can begin to change your life NOW, or schedule a session maybe even before that special family event or meeting that you have been dreading. In a 2-hour session you could have an insight which could help you:

  • Change your life to get you want you really want 
  • Be more comfortable with your family
  • Understand more of your life issue, and
  • Leave you in a position where your relatives, friends, and others will not be able to push those old buttons

Ariann offers Ancestral Clearing Sessions over Zoom. It is as effective as if you were here in person.

You don't know MY family!

I don’t need to. Only you know what pressing issue needs to be resolved to be happy. Generally we have some understanding about what we don’t like in our lives, we just don’t know what to do about it. With the help of your ancestors, Ancestral Lineage Clearing can explore your life and your family’s history and change the energy that is making your life unsatisfactory today.

I don't have any experience with this healing stuff.

You don’t have to have any experience with alternative healing or meditation to benefit from Ancestral Lineage Clearing. This is a simple process where you are guided step by step. If you have had experience in alternative healing, you will enjoy this process and appreciate how quickly the energy shifts.

Book A Session Now!

$299 for session

Available via Zoom

Services or Programs provided by Ariann are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. See full disclaimer.

Trauma Freedom Package

Have you had sleepless nights and anxious days for years as a result of traumatic events from your past? Do you find yourself repeating negative patterns of abuse, neglect,  illness, depression, anxiety and job loss over and over again? Do you  fear you children may fall into these same traps?

For those traumatic generational issues involving:  abuse, abandonment, genocide, rape, servitude, betrayal, or other serious family issues affecting your emotional, mental and physical health, your finances, relationships, and well-being, take back your power and free yourself from a lifetime of pain. Step into a daily life or vibrant health, happiness, love and joy.

Ariann offers two packages of services designed to reset your energy, cut cords and attachments to unhealthy relationships, offer tools for recovery, and heal ancestral genetic traits.

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