About Ariann

For the past 35 years Ariann, has studied metaphysics, spiritual teachings, Shamanism, and healing. She is dedicated to support people in clearing intergenerational family patters and past traumas.

Ariann carries the profound subtle energy of an elder, advisor, and wisdom carrier. She is part Cherokee by heritage and is a ceremonialist, an intuitive reader and healer, and practices Ancestral Lineage Clearing, Shamanic Healing, and Akashic Record Reading and Healing..

She engages in energetic healing work, having studied healing in the native traditions of North and South America. She is an initiated Keeper of the Water Ceremonies and an Elder in the Tradition of the Sacred Feminine, does Shamanic Journeying for karma release, soul retrieval, curse clearing, and Akashic Record reading and healing. She has been initiated in the 9 Rites of the Munay-Ki, Healing Touch, Reiki (1st and 2nd Degree), animal healing and a certified a Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist. She was awarded Featured Thought Leader by the Wellness Universe.

“Ancestral Lineage Clearing is such a powerful transformation and healing tool. It releases so much energy in a short period of time to allow people to move on and create happiness in their lives.” She was so impressed with how it positively affected clients and others in the family that it became her primarily healing tool. 

She is the author of the Amazon bestsellers, Healing Family Patterns: Ancestral Lineage Clearing for Personal Growth (2012), an exploration of the background and process of Ancestral Lineage Clearing, and Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations (2018) which incorporates the science of epigenetics that supports the ceremony in understandable language for the layman.

She co-authored two international women’s anthologies, The Female Factor: A Confidence Guide for Women (2017)  and The Total Woman (2019) edited by Linda Ellis Eastman, is a guideline to assist women with self-esteem and confidence with authors from Canada, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Malawi, Puerto Rico, Russia, and the USA. She is a co-author of the Amazon Award-winning 2020 Collection of the Year Book, Yoga for the Brain: Words of Wisdom (2020) edited by Cristina Smith. In the latest bestselling and COVR award winning anthologies, Ancestors Within II: Discover and Connect with the Ancient Ones (2021), The Ancestors Within, III: Recognize and Embrace the Gifts of Your Ancestors (2022) and the accompanying Ancestors Within Journal (2021) led by Amy Gillespie, she collaborates with 25 author-experts discussing various methods to discover ancestors and the past. 

In addition, Ariann is the Administrative Director of the New Dream Foundation, a non-profit organization operating as Sacred Feminine Awakening whose mission is to create a global spiritual family through education, ritual and service. She is a Keeper of the Water Ceremonies and an Elder in the Path of the Sacred Feminine.


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