by R. Ariann Thomas | Aug 23, 2019 | abundance, create your reality, Epigenetics, Happiness, Healing, Release and surrender Does fear of the future and worry about the present or past keep you up at night? Many are plagued by unrealistic fears for safety, security, and loss. Others constantly worry about...
by R. Ariann Thomas | Feb 20, 2019 | Ancestor Healing, Epigenetics, Family Healing, Family patterns, Healing, Heritage Patterns
Many clients speak of feeling like their family is cursed with bad relationships, with poverty, ill health and pain, poor jobs or careers, or cut off from all good things in life. These feelings are based in family histories and beliefs that “my family suffers from…”...
by R. Ariann Thomas | Jul 12, 2018 | create your reality, Family Healing, Healing, Hertiage patterns
DNA and Epigenetics–Short Recap from Article 1If you have read the previous articles, you can skip this introduction or read it for a refresher. Otherwise, here is a short explanation of epigenetics to get you started. We inherit one strand of DNA from each side...
by R. Ariann Thomas | Aug 28, 2016 | Family Healing, Free Will, Healing
I recently learned that choosing happiness can make a difference in your life and health. For 10 years Harvard Professor Shawn Anchor studied happiness and reported his findings in his book The Happiness Advantage: If we can get somebody to raise their levels of...
by admin | Jun 12, 2014 | Ancestor Healing, Family Healing, Family patterns, Free Will, Healing, Hertiage patterns, Uncategorized
I love the book “It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood: Inspirations for Inner Healing” by Claudia Black and Laura Zagon. So many people choose to come into lifetimes at this time on Earth with challenging childhoods that seem to hamper their...