DNA and Epigenetics–Short Recap from Article 1

If you have read the previous articles, you can skip this introduction or read it for a refresher. Otherwise, here is a short explanation of epigenetics to get you started.

 We inherit one strand of DNA from each side of our family. DNA is the basic building block of our human body and mind. It is the internal micro-cellular structure from which we develop. We used to think that DNA controlled many of our traits that could not be changed.  

Science then delved deeper into cellular structure and discovered epigenetics. Epigenetics revealed that DNA is our basic hardware and epigenetics is the software program the operator chooses to run our daily lives. We can turn off and on whatever genes we want. The complexities of the genetic traits have just begun being explored since we have trillions of cells with epigenetic switches that turn off and on in sequences and create cascades of effects.

Our DNA strands live in the nucleus of our cells, primarily in the mitochondria (the fuel center). All input in our bodies is translated into chemical reactions used as fuel to build cellular material for our organs and energy systems including our emotions.  By keeping our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits healthy we keep our DNA in prime shape for ourselves, our families and our descendants. In this series of articles, I will address some simple ways we can k eep the triggers of genetic expression in the ‘positive’ mode. When we use these positive epigenetic features we heal the negative DNA we inherited from our ancestors and we transform the likelihood that our children will by-pass the ‘negative’ DNA.


Meditation, Music, and Beauty

Mental chaos and stress are major triggers to the expression of negative genetic traits linked to harmful aspects of our lives, in addition to our physical health. Avoid the major triggers of ill health, financial disaster, bad relationships and poor decision making. Some of these emotional factors are fear, guilt, worry, chronic stress, pessimism, mental and physical abuse, depression, anxiety and other chronic negative attitudes. Article: 3 Powerful Practices for Accessing the Healing Power of Your Mind.

Again, beginning in 2003, research in clinical and non-clinical studies verified that regular practice of meditation, Thai Chi and Qigong showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn is associated with faster physical recovery from stressful situations. Meditation has a positive effect on your body as well as calming your mind and spirit, letting you get in touch with your inner self. This reduces your physiological reaction to the emotional factors stated above. It allows you to cope with the emotional stresses and alter your perspective on life and solve problems. Article: Long term yoga, Thai Chi, meditation and mindfulness practices repair damaged DNA. 

I began meditating in 1978 when I was taking daily medication for severe migraine. Luckily, I found a progressive MD who recommended meditation when I asked what I could do to get off the drugs. I have been meditating ever since. When I had a critical health crisis in the 1990s, I was disabled and virtually house-bound for about 15 years. Meditation was a live-saver. I got in touch with my healing energy and my ability to tap into my own inner resources. Without meditation and my inner knowing, my life would not be as healthy and happy as it is today.

Music resonates with the waves of our brain and can calm stress, soothe nerves and may be helpful in slowing cognitive degeneration in the brain according to some recent Italian researchers. Article: Music therapy is a potential intervention for cognition of Alzheimer’s Disease. Article: Music therapy enhances behavioral and cognitive function in elderly dementia patients..

If we take the time to release our past stories and pain, and avoid living in the future “what ifs”, concentrating our energy in the present makes our lives open to opportunities and experiences that will enrich us daily. We will see the beauty of the people, places and things around us, our perceptions will shift and positive enzymes and hormones will flood our body to boost our immune system. These chemical reactions will positively affect the gene expressions of our bodies.

Sleep is an Essential Component of a Healthy Life. 

Another significant element in supporting long life, good health and a strong brain and positive outlook is adequate sleep on a regular basis. Numerous reports reliably show sleep is necessary to repair and replace damaged cells. In 1900, Americans averaged nine hours of sleep a night. In 2000, we averaged six hours a night. Magnificent Mind at Any Age: Treating Anxiety, Depression, Memory Problems, ADD, and Insomnia, Daniel G. Amen (2008). Lack of sleep can cause psychotic episodes, depression, car accidents, unclear thinking, irritability and other difficulties. The average adult should get six to nine hours of good sleep a night. Children and teenagers need more to sustain growth. 

Stress is a common interrupter of sleep. Reduce your stress level through meditation, music, exercise, sex and contact with nature. Keep your bedroom free of toxins, cell phones, TVs and their distractions. Dream of a happy and prosperous life. And have a good night.

Look for the remaining tips in the upcoming articles.

Blessings for peace, prosperity, joy and love,



DNA and Epigenetics–Short Recap from Article 1

If you have read the previous articles, you can skip this introduction or read it for a refresher. Otherwise, here is a short explanation of epigenetics to get you started.

 We inherit one strand of DNA from each side of our family. DNA is the basic building block of our human body and mind. It is the internal micro-cellular structure from which we develop. We used to think that DNA controlled many of our traits that could not be changed.  

Science then delved deeper into cellular structure and discovered epigenetics. Epigenetics revealed that DNA is our basic hardware and epigenetics is the software program the operator chooses to run our daily lives. We can turn off and on whatever genes we want. The complexities of the genetic traits have just begun being explored since we have trillions of cells with epigenetic switches that turn off and on in sequences and create cascades of effects.

Our DNA strands live in the nucleus of our cells, primarily in the mitochondria (the fuel center). All input in our bodies is translated into chemical reactions used as fuel to build cellular material for our organs and energy systems including our emotions.  By keeping our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits healthy we keep our DNA in prime shape for ourselves, our families and our descendants. In this series of articles, I will address some simple ways we can k eep the triggers of genetic expression in the ‘positive’ mode. When we use these positive epigenetic features we heal the negative DNA we inherited from our ancestors and we transform the likelihood that our children will by-pass the ‘negative’ DNA.


Meditation, Music, and Beauty

Mental chaos and stress are major triggers to the expression of negative genetic traits linked to harmful aspects of our lives, in addition to our physical health. Avoid the major triggers of ill health, financial disaster, bad relationships and poor decision making in life. Some of these emotional factors are fear, guilt, worry, chronic stress, pessimism, mental and physical abuse, depression, anxiety and other chronic negative attitudes. Article: 3 Powerful Practices for Accessing the Healing Power of Your Mind.

Again, beginning in 2003, research in clinical and non-clinical studies verified regular practice of meditation, Thai Chi and Qigong showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn is associated with faster physical recovery from stressful situations. Meditation has a positive effect on your body as well as calming your mind and spirit, letting you get in touch with your inner self. This reduces your physiological reaction to the emotional factors stated above. It allows you to cope with the emotional stresses and alter your perspective on life and solve problems. Article: Long term yoga, Thai Chi, meditation and mindfulness practices repair damaged DNA. 

Article: A 2017 study suggests meditation and yoga can ‘reverse’ DNA reactions which cause stress.

I began meditating in 1978 when I was taking daily medication for severe migraine. Luckily, I found a progressive MD who recommended meditation when I asked what I could do to get off the drugs. I have been meditating ever since. When I had a critical health crisis in the 1990s, I was disabled and virtually house-bound for about 15 years. Meditation was a live-saver. I got in touch with my healing energy and my ability to tap into my own inner resources. Without meditation and my inner knowing, my life would not be as healthy and happy as it is today.

Music resonates with the waves of our brain and can calm stress, soothe nerves and may be helpful in slowing cognitive degeneration in the brain according to some recent Italian researchers. Article: Music therapy is a potential intervention for cognition of Alzheimer’s Disease. Article: Music therapy enhances behavioral and cognitive function in elderly dementia patients..

If we take the time to release our past stories and pain and avoid living in the future “what ifs” concentrating our energy in the present makes our lives open to opportunities and experiences that will enrich us daily. We will see the beauty of the people, places and things around us, our perceptions will shift and positive enzymes and hormones will flood our body to boost our immune system. These chemical reactions will positively affect the gene expressions of our bodies.

Sleep is an Essential Component of a Healthy Life. 

Another significant element in supporting long life, good health and a strong brain and positive outlook is adequate sleep on a regular basis. Numerous reports reliably show sleep is necessary to repair and replace damaged cells. In 1900, Americans averaged nine hours of sleep a night. In 2000, we averaged six hours a night. Magnificent Mind at Any Age: Treating Anxiety, Depression, Memory Problems, ADD, and Insomnia, Daniel G. Amen (2008). Lack of sleep can cause psychotic episodes, depression, car accidents, unclear thinking, irritability and other difficulties. The average adult should get six to nine hours of good sleep a night. Children and teenagers need more to sustain growth. 

Stress is a common interrupter of sleep. Reduce your stress level through meditation, music, exercise, sex and contact with nature. Keep your bedroom free of toxins, cell phones, TVs and their distractions. Dream of a happy and prosperous life. And have a good night.

Look for the remaining tips in the upcoming articles.

Blessings for peace, prosperity, joy and love,



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