Spring into Action

Spring into Action

Easter, Earth Day, and the Equinox have passed. Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn is on its way in the Southern. The change of seasons indicates the next chapter in the year’s movement around the sun. In other eras, the new year began with the...
Welcome Spring Equinox

Welcome Spring Equinox

In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox arrives on March 20th. The Southern Hemisphere celebrates the autumn equinox. Equinoxes occur when day and night are equally balanced. Here in the north, we welcome the increased daylight. In the south, they welcome the...
Inspiration and Opportunity

Inspiration and Opportunity

Winter has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. Life-giving snowfall and rain blanket the country often causing airline and traffic delays. The Omicron variant of the Covid virus is impacting schools and businesses slowing down progress. If we remember that winter is...