Joyful Holidays Amidst Uncertainty

The Holidays are upon us once again. Where does the time go? Last year I offered 7 Tips for Holiday Happiness and you may want to revisit that article and get some helpful hints if you are getting stressed already over the season that has just begun. The most...

Control or Chaos

When I went out to plant the spring flowers I faced the usual dilemma: do I plant them in a row or a circle or scatter them about randomly? When I look at Mother Nature there doesn’t appear to be any order yet everything is so beautiful to the eye and spirit....

You are Spring

Spring has arrived no matter where you live in the Northern Hemisphere. You may still have snow or be in the rain and cold but certainly the first peeking of spring green is on its way. If you are in the South then the blossoming trees and flowers are in profusion all...
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