by R. Ariann Thomas | Mar 19, 2022 | Balance
In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox arrives on March 20th. The Southern Hemisphere celebrates the autumn equinox. Equinoxes occur when day and night are equally balanced. Here in the north, we welcome the increased daylight. In the south, they welcome the...
by R. Ariann Thomas | Mar 11, 2021 | Healing, self-love
by R. Ariann Thomas | Aug 21, 2019 | create your reality, Epigenetics, Happiness
Happiness Codes Do you want to be successful? Of course! We all want successful relationships, career success, financial success, and good health to support our success. What is the secret? Be positive! Multiple research studies in health, psychology, business and...
by R. Ariann Thomas | Jun 23, 2019 | Balance, create your reality, Healing, self-love Are you tired, anxious, depressed, stressed and overworked constantly? Are you looking for the joy, fulfillment, excitement and wonder you used to feel in life?...
by R. Ariann Thomas | Jul 4, 2016 | Ancestor Healing, Family Healing, Healing, Hertiage patterns, Uncategorized
We celebrate Independence Day here in the United States on July 4th. Other countries celebrate their independence from tyrants or oppressors on other days of the year. One thing most of us have in common is that the separation from prior governments has been violent....