Dream Your Future Plans Now

Dream Your Future Plans Now

Are you getting restless, anxious, and stir-crazy during the sheltering at home time? You are not alone. Remember, remaining isolated is saving your life and your loved ones. The first few weeks of staying at home seemed like a vacation. We focused on being positive,...

Fear of Betrayal Session

Fear of Betrayal Session Present Issue: The Client has an underlying fear that controls her life with memories and dreams of a past life where she was blinded and tortured for being a witch. She holds a misplaced anger against her husband and other unexplained anger....

Suicide Depression Session

Present Issue Client is a young woman, ill, living at home. She is generally in pain and depressed, seriously suicidal. Her grandfather committed suicide. She fears committing suicide. The client feels hopeless and lacks any joy in her life. There is no trust or...
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