Photo credit: brillianthues / Foter / CC BY

Photo credit: brillianthues / Foter / CC BY

The fall equinox is right around the corner. I just spotted the first trees beginning to change colors. The days are shortening and nights are getting cooler. The tomatoes are coming to an end and the fall harvest is beginning.

I am so grateful for summer. It has been glorious this year with sunny, bright days and beautiful flowers, crops and trees everywhere. The promise of spring has been fulfilled when we see our plans coming to fruition and blossoming. The flowers that bloomed so richly are beginning to wilt and the leaves just starting to drop, signaling the new season.

As a student I regretted the end of summer because I had to go back to school. Now I can just bask in gratitude for the bounty without having to go back to a different schedule of tasks. I see the lushness of the season that is coming to a close. I can join in the celebration of the end of the season before it is quite over and relish the blessings and the harvest of squash, pumpkins, grapes, tomatoes, avocados, peaches, plums, apples, pears as the last flush of vegetables and fruits pour into the farmers markets and stores. Homemade jams, preserves, relishes and baked goods are starting to show up at the outdoor weekend markets as the excess vegetables and overripe fruits need to be preserved or baked into pies and breads. The richness of the earth continues to bless us at season’s wane.

When we view life with regret and cling to the past, we narrow our energy field and the scope of our life. “Oh no, summer’s over! Boo Hoo!” This shuts off positive feelings and allows depression, negativity and ill will to pervade our mindset. We exude our negativity and push it onto others and then other people don’t want to be around us because we’re so down. There are places and times when no harvest is possible because of war or famine. We don’t have that in this country. I am so grateful for our peace and my home.

Gratitude fills my heart and opens it to more blessings to come. When we focus on gratitude, we see how many wonderful gifts we have: beauty surrounds us, sun warms the day, the taste of good food graces our table, the friends and family share our life, the trees and flowers we pass on the way to work or school give color and aroma to our senses, birds sing for no reason but to enjoy their music. There is much to be grateful for if we focus on the joy of life instead of bank accounts, bosses, what we need to do, dirty dishes, laundry or the mundane task that eventually need our attention.

If you take 5 minutes at the beginning of each day and 5 minutes at the end of the day and simply identify WHAT and WHO you are grateful for, your life will change. There are meditations for gratitude, support groups for gratitude, prayers of gratitude and a gratitude movement because it is such a powerful concept. It is a powerful tool to join with another to share gratitude with every day. Both of you receive the benefits of recognizing the beauty of life. Say a gratitude prayer at the dinner table with your children. What were you grateful for today?

“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.” – Eileen Caddy

I always thank Spirit for my kitties — if you follow my articles you know about my Puck and Sheba, characters, both — and now I am grateful for the joys and blessing of summer and the bounty of the harvest. I look forward to the equinox on September 23rd when Fall officially arrives and the leaves fully turn their bright colors and turn their coats and faces to winter. For now I bask in the gratitude of this summer that is closing its door.

Many Blessings for Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Love,

Special Announcement:

A new 6 week Tele-Class on Healing Family Karma is beginning on October 7, 2015. If you want to learn how to heal limiting family patterns in your life and the life of your family or your clients, register before September 30th to receive a $100 discount off the regular class price of $300. Go to ANCESTRAL LINEAGE CLEARING CLASS for additional information. Use discount code ALC-DISCOUNT100 to register for the class for the reduced price of $200. Act now. Class size is limited and the classes fill quickly.

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