Are you getting restless, anxious, and stir-crazy during the sheltering at home time? You are not alone. Remember, remaining isolated is saving your life and your loved ones.

The first few weeks of staying at home seemed like a vacation. We focused on being positive, cleaning the house, getting postponed chores done, and reconnecting with friends on social media. Then, we began reading those books that had piled up, listening to interesting podcasts, and watching movies on our favorites list.

Now, that isolation may be extended for additional week, people are breaking out of the sheltering, growing angry, or depressed, and wondering what to do with the excess energy that has been suppressed. Anger at the unknown is simply a fear response to a virus we cannot fight against. Riots have erupted in several areas. This is unproductive at best, and dangerous at worst. The government cannot ‘fix’ the situation and reducing contact with other is, indeed, the most effective remedy for containing the spread of the pandemic at this time.

So, what can we do in the meantime? My recommendation is to go deeper within. Most of us have previously define ourselves in relation to the outside world. Use this next phase of seclusion to move deeper into your soul. Ask yourself:

1. What do you dream for your future? Visualize your perfect job, partner, home, bank account, vacation, friendships, daily life and feel, see, sense, taste, and be the essence of the future life you desire to manifest. By dreaming and visualizing it now, you can plan and take steps to create it. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman

2. What legacy do you want to create? Define your life purpose and the impact you desire to make in your life, family, community, and the greater world. The most successful people are the ones who want to make a difference and leave the world a better place in their lifetime. What impact do you want to have and what are you doing to produce that impact now? “Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” Benjamin Disraeli

3. What is missing in your life and how can you generate it? This is an ideal time to survey life and determine if there are empty places or regrets for something you failed to do, someone you left behind, forgot to thank, or paths never taken. Do you want to pursue that degree or did you to learn a particular skill? Is it time to reconsider your career or location, or do you just need to dedicate yourself to doing a better job? If there are empty spots in your life, how do they need to be filled?

I am so happy I have my new cat, Gigi to keep me company. When my elderly cat, Puck, crossed over, my heart and home were empty. He was with me for 18 years and it was hard thinking of replacing him, but there was no one to greet me when I came home, no one to talk to when I made dinner, or to say ‘good morning’ to. Gigi filled that missing place at the right time. Is there an empty spot in your life for a person, project, idea, commitment, or heart connection?

We have the time to ponder these deeper dreams and craft a new future to build when life opens again. It will never be the same, but it can be better if we prepare for it.

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