Present Issue

Client is a young woman, ill, living at home. She is generally in pain and depressed, seriously suicidal. Her grandfather committed suicide. She fears committing suicide. The client feels hopeless and lacks any joy in her life. There is no trust or self-worth. Self-hatred arises regularly and she loses connection with Spirit.

Journey: Ancestor’s First Life

Client sees a large house standing alone in a weedy, neglected area which is beautiful inside. The house is ancient –50 billion years old from the child’s (ancestor’s) perspective—and is a ‘bad house’ or a crazy house, or a house with bad people in it. There are 7 people inside. The house/people ‘eat’ people or ‘eat what they are’—steal(s) their souls, some type of energy stealing?  The ancestor was born in this house and has always lived there.

20 years later he still lives there and he delights in eating people’s souls who come in.   He doesn’t live much longer because when he saw himself as he really was and it fractured him and broke him apart. He called a spirit form to him to kill him. Something (a hand) came and ripped him apart.

When asked how he felt about this lifetime he said he felt stuck. He was happy to go back and choose another life path.

Second Life

The ancestor went back to when he was a little child. His soul gave him protection while he was in the house. When he grew up, he forgave his family for trying to eat his soul. His soul helped him make the choice to leave the house. He spent time in the woods. Then he moved out in the world and enjoyed his life. He found himself and his power: happy, alone and at peace.


This is very profound lifetime since it speaks of ‘soul stealing’ not of actual cannibalism. The client views the lifetime from the perspective of the ancestor of a child who lost his soul when his parents apparently were lost souls who treated him so badly, they ‘stole’ his soul. Then he continued to do the same to others. In the second life, he called on his higher self for protection and was saved from his family who sought to do him harm.

1. What part did forgiveness play in changing his destiny in the second journey before he left his home.

2.Leaving the abusive home was an essential part of the second lifetime. How did this affect his future life?

3. Discuss the implications of the first lifetime and how this generates the issue of suicide. Then consider the changes the second lifetime had on the descendants’ DNA and the suicide issue.

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