Do you want to be successful? Of course! We all want successful relationships, career success, financial success, and good health to support our success.

What is the secret? Be positive! Multiple research studies in health, psychology, business and life style have shown that the number one indicator of success in all fields is optimism. Having a positive life view reduces stress, decreases depression and mental illness, increases immune response, helps recovery from surgery, lessens the risk of a genetic tendency toward addiction, prevents chronic illness and helps sleep.

The current Dalai Lama said, “Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.” Happy people tend to feel better generally about themselves and others. They work harder and attract better outcomes.

The science of epigenetics has found thoughts and beliefs coat our genes influencing the chemical reactions that take place in the DNA of the nucleus of the individual cells. Positive beliefs, thoughts and actions support health, love, success, abundance and happiness. Negative beliefs create and attract dis-ease, bad relationships, violence, poverty, depressions, anxiety and isolation. We all have happiness genes; we just need to activate them.

Optimism is a critical factor in business and financial success. Happy people tend to take more risks with improved assessments of hazards. Thereby tending to rise to higher levels in business. Colin Powell said, “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”  Did anyone ever accuse Bill Gates or Mark Zukerberg of being pessimists?

Relationships improve with a happy, positive attitude. Happy people have longer-lasting marriages and relationships. Confident mothers have healthier babies. Happiness is linked to strong social ties, and decreasing levels of stress and loneliness, and improving sleep patterns. Positivity increases brain activity in the prefrontal lobe making improved connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Older people who become isolated tend to be depressed and deteriorate, both physically and mentally, when less occupied. Teenagers who are solitary are more likely to be depressed, anxious and prone to suicidal tendencies.

If you are not naturally optimistic, you can refocus your mind and attitude to develop a positive outlook. Here are three practical steps you can take beginning today to shift your attitude:

  1. In the morning, decide to take at least three positive actions to begin your day such as, kiss your partner, pet you dog or cat, mentor a new colleague at work, donate change at the store, smile or wave at the first three people you meet. A smile makes one more likeable and approachable.
  2. Notice all the positive improvements in your day—enjoy the little moments—also called mindfulness practice. Appreciate the advances in your life, the small kindnesses, the compliments, the little increases in prosperity, the sale at the grocery store, and stop to smell the roses. The more positivity you notice, the more you will create.
  3. Before bed, remember and write down at least three things that day you are grateful for. Gratitude reinforces and focuses your mind on the positive. It relaxes muscles, relieves stress, and improves sleep.

Here is one last vital fact: Research studies have proven optimists live longer.

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” – Rumi

If you want to activate your happiness genes get my program, 7 Steps to Activate Your Happiness Codes, to change your life by improving your attitude and increasing your chance for a successful life at





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