Enjoy December 2019. Take time from the holiday rush and activities for meditation and introspection. Winter is the time for reflection. This winter is particularly special because it marks the end of another decade. I happened to be born at the beginning of a decade, so I consider the ten-year period like a chapter in my life.
As we reflect and review the past year, we need to contemplate two aspect of the year: gratitude and release.
Shedding the Past
As we grow, we learn, stretch our minds, absorb new ideas, meet people, encounter hardships, failures, health challenges or injuries, losses, and live life. We change as we age with experience. If we don’t let go of our old identities and age into our new selves, we get stuck in the past.
Now is the time to look back on the last decade and consider how the growth changed your life. What was your life like in 2010? What is it now? Contemplate these questions:
1.    Your Greatest Achievements
What are you most proud of in the last decade? This may be in your family, relationships, growth, healing, learning, or deepening connection to Spirit.
What change has made the greatest impact on your happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, and love? Do you feel your life is better in any, more, or different way(s) than in was in 2010? Why? Consider the actions or steps you took to achieve this improvement.
2.    Your Greatest Disappointments
What mistakes, disappointments, failures, or discouragements did you encountered in this decade? None of us is perfect. Have you, did you, or can you, correct them? “Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.” Benjamin Franklin. What have you learned? How have you grown from your mistakes? Our greatest growth often comes from our failures.
3.    Your Greatest Impact
What is the greatest impact you made on others in the last decade? Have you made a lasting impression on someone’s life? It may be a family member, another person, an organization, in your job or business. Acknowledge your contribution.
Who or what has had the greatest impact on your life in the last decade? Who has contributed to your growth, wellness, happiness, joy, or spiritual expansion? Have you acknowledged their contribution to your life? Perhaps it is time.
4.    What No Longer Serves You?
What is the most important thing for you to shed moving forward into 2020? What has been completed in the last decade that is no longer necessary in the new one? Are there relationships that need releasing because you have outgrown them? Have you accomplished your goals in the present job or business and need to move on to a different challenge? Is relocating a possibility, downsizing, upsizing, or simply moving?
What will free your spirit and open your heart to greater health, wealth, joy, laughter, love and connection to Spirit?
5.    Potential for the New
What one thing do you desire most to have, do, or create in the next decade? What do you need to shed in order to obtain this desire? What do you need to add or what action do you need to take to move forward? We will explore planning for the 2020 decade in the next blog. But consider your desires as you are shedding the remnants of the past decade now.
I look forward to serving you in the New Year and the New Decade. Many blessings for prosperity, health, happiness, joy and love.
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