
Group Ancestral Connection Session- Prosperity and Abundance

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $69.00.

Prosperity and Abundance is Your Heritage

Is the part of your life involving money, success, and abundance out of harmony or balance? All parts of your life should be happy. We are here to enjoy life!

Many people struggle all their lives trying to attain stability in making a living to support family and meet survival needs. We are meant to live a prosperous and abundant life.

If you want a Better Life, then change patterns of past history and …

˜ Retrieve the abundance and prosperity you deserve and release poverty and lack.

˜ Refresh your soul and the desire for fulfillment and satisfaction by finding right livelihood and your soul’s purpose.

˜ Reclaim your power and ability to succeed and thrive.

˜ Release past family patterns that reinforce slave, servitude, and dependent mentality from your DNA.

A loving source of relief is our ancestors.

Throughout the ages, our ancestors have survived multiple changing times of wars, evacuations, loss, disasters, famine, recessions, depressions, and more. They have survived and found their source of abundance. Our ancestors can advise and guide us.

In this session, we will ask the ancestors for support and guidance dealing with:

  1. Letting go of past patterns that no longer serve us.
  2. Embracing the approaching future with confidence and trust.
  3. Bringing in the flow of the energy of abundance and prosperity as it moves through the external world.
  4. Discovering emotional and mental self-worth, self-trust, confidence, and trust in the Universal abundance.
  5. Finding the inner strength, wisdom, and love to know and trust ourselves and the Universe to provide for all our needs and desires.
  6. Uncover the joy of living in the present knowing we are tapping into Universal flow.

Get help from the ancestors coping with the current disruptions in the world health, economy, and finances, in this powerful session.

This is a Replay of the live session from Jan 2023. It can be used over and over to clear deeper into the same issue or address a new issue.

Services or Programs provided by Ariann are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. See full disclaimer.



Prosperity and Abundance is Your Heritage

Is the part of your life involving money, success, and abundance out of harmony or balance? All parts of your life should be happy. We are here to enjoy life!

Many people struggle all their lives trying to attain stability in making a living to support family and meet survival needs. We are meant to live a prosperous and abundant life.

Do you often feel nothing is going right? Are you repeating past family patterns holding you back from your Abundance and Prosperity? Consider your family history. Are you and other family member experiencing:

  • Being stuck in a job, career, or unhappy marriage because of money concerns
  • Living in a hand-to-mouth cycle of earning and spending for survival needs
  • Constantly feeling there is never to get enough money to get ahead
  • Your energy and attention being consumed by worry and doubt that it’s impossible to change our circumstances
  • A family history of poverty and lack prevents seeing opportunities for expansion
  • Feeling unworthy, incapable, or not good enough to deserve success and abundance
  • A despair that you just don’t have anything exciting or meaningful to look forward to when getting up in the morning because of financial worries.

If any of these scenarios seem familiar, perhaps you inherited a pattern in your past that predisposes you to carry the same issue in your life. These are messages you received in your childhood from your parents and relatives, as well as messages carried in the DNA and chromosomes inherited from your ancestors.

If we don’t clear these components from our systems during our lifetimes, we risk passing these genetic markers to our descendants in the future. 

If you want a Better Life, then change patterns of past history and …

˜ Retrieve the abundance and prosperity you deserve and release poverty and lack.

˜ Refresh your soul and the desire for fulfillment and satisfaction by finding right livelihood and your soul’s purpose.

˜ Reclaim your power and ability to succeed and thrive.

˜ Release past family patterns that reinforce slave, servitude, and dependent mentality from your DNA.

A loving source of relief is our ancestors.

Throughout the ages, our ancestors have survived multiple changing times of wars, evacuations, loss, disasters, famine, recessions, depressions, and more. They have survived and found their source of abundance. Our ancestors can advise and guide us.

In this session, we will ask the ancestors for support and guidance dealing with:

  1. Letting go of past patterns that no longer serve us.
  2. Embracing the approaching future with confidence and trust.
  3. Bringing in the flow of the energy of abundance and prosperity as it moves through the external world.
  4. Discovering emotional and mental self-worth, self-trust, confidence, and trust in the Universal abundance.
  5. Finding the inner strength, wisdom, and love to know and trust ourselves and the Universe to provide for all our needs and desires.
  6. Uncover the joy of living in the present knowing we are tapping into Universal flow.

Get help from the ancestors coping with the current disruptions in the world health, economy, and finances, in this powerful session.


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