Fall is here in the Northern hemisphere and the bright colors, cooler days, and abundant harvest bring joy to our hearts and spirits. In the Southern hemisphere spring is approaching with warmer days and buds emerging from their winter sleep. Sink into the beauty around you as the seasons change

Many of us feel the distress of the chaos still taking place in the world. From the devastation of the hurricanes in the US, the divisiveness of the political campaigns, and the escalating conflict in the Middle East, sometimes it can feel as if turmoil is the norm. It is difficult to focus on the beauty around us, the love and support in our lives, and the strength and resilience we each hold within while such pain exists in the world.

The instability and upheaval in the world are reflections of our emotional and spiritual health. We feed the distress when fear, anger, hatred, and depression overwhelm us and influence our behavior, attitudes, and speech. As Elizabeth Kubler Ross said, “There are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear.”

The more we focus on love, support, and peace the more fear is reduced and released. That is not to say that those affected by the devastating hurricanes, the wars waging, and illness or injury should ignore those feelings. They are true responses to painful situations.

However, the rest of us can hold feeling of compassion, love, and help instead of escalating the fear from the damage and pain of the losses. We can send positive energy to those in need from disasters, war, or conflict such as prayers, taking helpful actions (perhaps volunteering for aid organizations) or making donations. Remember when a leaf falls from a tree, a bud is ready to emerge. Keeping attention on the positive will increase the constructive actions to resolve the chaos and bring order.

“Your emotions are like weather patterns: they come and they go. Sometimes they impact how we think and behave in the moment, but every emotion eventually clears, and we’re left with a fresh page once again. Remember: you are the sky, not the weather. This too shall pass.”― Amber Rae, The Answers Are Within You: 108 Keys to Unlock Your Mind, Body & Soul (2022).

Yes, we need to put our attention on helping those in need and finding peaceful solutions to war, global warming, and depleting resources. Taking time to enjoy the season’s gifts of abundance, beauty, and the love in our lives will make discovering the solutions enjoyable and constructive. Coming from love and joy will open our minds, hearts, and spirits to novel approaches. Mother Earth always emerges from disasters with new growth. We can too.

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