A beautiful autumn day inspires gratitude. November is the month of Thanksgiving in the US. A time to share food, stories, family, and friendships surrounded by the bounty of the year.

As we turn our awareness to Thanksgiving, make time from holiday preparation to truly sink into gratitude. Often, we get caught up in the preparation and bustle of the holiday and ignore the basis for it. Take a moment and write down the people, places, situations, and things you are grateful for. Focus attention on those special moments and the people who fill your heart.

Then, take time to express gratitude. Merely identifying your abundance is insufficient. Actually, telling someone how special they are can change lives. Simple compliments and words of love and support can shift emotions, perspectives, and attitudes. Children especially need to hear how appreciated and wanted they are. Often children only hear criticism, orders, or instructions, particularly from authority figures. Acknowledgment and reinforcement of their unique gifts and positive traits create a constructive, loving environment encouraging self-confidence and new growth.

Emotional connections to family, friends and the community are the hallmarks of happiness and long life. Connection to others aids us in dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. Now that isolation recommendations have been lifted in many places, the time to gather and share our hearts and spirits is essential to our mental and physical well-being.

I always include a prayer of thanks to Mother Earth for the beauty, bounty, and blessings She provides. Despite the harm humanity has done to the earth, Mother Earth continues to supply us with beautiful places to rest our spirits, and the food, shelter, and remedies to take care of our bodies. She loves to be appreciated by her children.

Thank your ancestors for the heritage received throughout the ages. Our ancestors have provided us with strength, intelligence, health, courage, and resilience to meet the challenges of this time. They have passed on their love and gifts through the ages so you can create the life you desire.

Autumn is a beautiful season to appreciate the good things in life. Shift your focus to the wonders of the world and the love you share for a bountiful Thanksgiving Day.

Blessings for Health, Prosperity, Peace, and Love,


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