We all know by now that traditional New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. Studies reveal only 8% succeed at fulfilling their resolutions and 49% are infrequently successful because resolution are about changing undesirable traits or altering bad habits. As we have learned from the Law of Attraction, where we put our attention energy flows. I suggest we refocus our resolutions to create Resolutions to bring more happiness and joy into our lives this year. Let’s start small this year with just 5 resolutions. Here are my suggestions:

  • Plan a magic vacation: Sit down with your loved ones or a friend and dream of wherever in the world you would really, really like to go. Then start planning. Get brochures, maps, pictures, histories, things to do in the area, camping equipment, language tapes, plan the cost and begin saving. Set a budget, check out airfares, gas costs, boat rentals, ski rentals…whatever. Half the fun is anticipation. If you have children, get them involved. What do they want to see, do explore, learn?
  • f you just want to go locally to a mountain, lake or stateside destination, plan for a logical time when the weather is good you can ask for time from work, when school is out, coordinate schedules. If your destination is exotic, expensive or time consuming and you are taking the whole family and going to Fuji for example, this may take several years of planning and saving. But check out discount travel sites and last minute travel and cruise internet sites for deals. You don’t need to wait until retirement to have a dream experience.
  • Plan an event/party: Everyone should have a party at least once a year. It doesn’t have to be for you. Is someone you love having a special anniversary, birthday, baby. Or what is your favorite holiday—Valentine’s Day, Fourth of July, Easter??? Tell everyone and invite them to participate in the fun. Have everyone help in bringing party decorations, food, games, etc. Don’t have room at your place? There are always public parks, friends’ houses, rental space. Be creative. If you don’t have many friends, have a party for your friend and have them invite their friends and enrich your circle. Have your kids invite everyone in their class to their birthday party. Experiences are what we remember not the presents. The friend you throw the party for will always remember you with love.
  • Expand your Creativity: Are you stuck or bored? Or are you too busy to be bored? Sometimes we get so busy doing the same thing over and over we lose our perspective over what is important and essential in our life. Creativity keeps us in touch with our essence. If you do not have creativity regularly active in your life now is the time to add it. Take up bird watching, wildflower hiking, painting or drawing, drumming, carving, flower essences, soap making, cooking classes, bowling, ballroom dancing, skydiving…. Whatever appeals to you. Hobbies, activities, classes and meetups do not necessarily need a lot of financial investment. Some are activities you can drop in on when you have the time if your time is limited.
  • Decide your priorities: What fun things do you want to do with your life this year? When are you going to do them? I just realized I only got to the beach once this year. I need to plan better because this is not enough. Did you call your family often enough? These are not the ‘shoulds’ these are the ‘want tos.’  Make a list of thing you Like to do and Want to do then on your monthly calendar pick a month and at the top add “Go to Beach” or “Go to Lake”. See if this year your fun quotient is higher than it was in 2016.
  • Enjoy Universal Prosperity: There is enough prosperity in the Universe for all of us. Fear is the only block. When you wake every morning say a gratitude pray for all the abundance in your life. Keep a dollar bill (or for our international readers any denomination will do including play money) on your breakfast table, counter, refrigerator or somewhere nearby where you arise and are getting ready in the morning. Bless the currency and all the money that is circulating in the world. Bless the food you eat, the shelter you have, the clothes, your job/clients/school/opportunities and future prospects. Bless the earth, air, water and energy. Sometimes we only focus on our lack. I invite you this year to focus on your abundance. Flow will follow and continue. Then contribute to the causes that touch your heart–spiritual nourishment, animal rescue, homeless shelter, peace causes, food banks, children and women’s rights.

In my work with our ancestors the consistent message is that they want us to be happy. They desire us to choose a positive and supportive lifestyle to fulfill our life purpose. They are willing to help us find ways to make good choices. So, if you need their help, just ask them. They are always listening.

My resolution for 2017 is for Happiness, Joy, Health, Peace and Prosperity to all. Ariann


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