As we begin 2016 many people search for new meaning, goals and reset their lives at the beginning of the year. No matter when you celebrate the new year in your culture it is the rebirth of the year. Many of our ancestors weren’t concerned with the concept of happiness. Their life revolved around survival, not necessarily happiness.

Many have heard the statistics that only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions succeed because most are unrealistic and unnatural (lose weight, get in shape, spend less) even though such ideas may be good for us. More positive approaches such as creating vision boards setting out your dreams and desires, joining a master mind group to encourage manifesting your goals or taking a class or course to expand your knowledge base lead to greater success.

I recently learned that choosing happiness can make a difference in your life. I thank my friend, Dr. Cheryl Kasendorf for referring me to Shawn Anchor’s book The Happiness Advantage. For 10 years Harvard Professor Anchor studied happiness and found:

If we can get somebody to raise their levels of optimism or deepen their social connection or raise happiness, turns out every single business and educational outcome we know how to test for improves dramatically. You can increase your success rates for the rest of your life and your happiness levels will flatline, but if you raise your level of happiness and deepen optimism it turns out every single one of your success rates rises dramatically compared to what it would have been at negative, neutral, or stressed.

If we take a positive approach to the new year we are more likely to succeed. I followed the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Sweetie) to my New Year’s resolutions this year. I only have three:
  1. Be Happy: I choose to focus this year on the positive and see happiness surrounding me every day. I appreciate the sunshine and the rain; the birds singing, the squirrels running up the trees; my computer working daily; the family and friends and pets in my life. I am optimistic.
  2. Be Grateful: I am grateful for waking up every morning healthy, with a home, money to pay the bills, food on the table and to share, my cats to share my life, my healing work, my connection to Spirit, my friends, family, neighbors and clients.
  3. Be Loving: I am kind to the people I meet daily while driving, shopping, living, at meetings, on the phone or the computer. I say ‘I love you’ to my pets, friends, family and to those special people in my life regularly.

So make your New Year’s goal Happiness. It will improve your life, your business, your education and your health. Happiness alters the genomes that prevent the triggering of genetic diseases too.  Happy people are healthy people too.

Many blessings for health, prosperity, peace, joy and love,


New Class Starting in February

A new 6-week tele-class will begin in February on Ancestral Lineage Clearing. The day and time of the class is now being determined. If you are interested in the class, please take 5 minutes and fill out the 4 question survey on the most convenient time for the class to be scheduled.

There is also an in-person class scheduled in northern California for the last weekend in February.

Thank you for your assistance.

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