Trust the Divine
The true basis for trust lies in the Divine (Creator, Source, Spirit, God, All That Is). Often, we were told or shown the world is dangerous, insecure, and hostile. Western culture adopted the 19th-century Darwinian notion of survival of the fittest based on the theory that everything in nature is in competition for resources and only the strongest and most adaptable prevail.
The Darwinian approach led to the idea that humans are inherently bad. “Human beings, we’re taught, are by nature selfish and governed primarily by self-interest. From Machiavelli to Hobbes, Freud to Pinker, the roots of this belief have sunk deep into Western thought.” Humankind: A Hopeful History, by Rutger Bregman and Erica Moore (2020). This theory is challenged by archeological, anthropological, and social science. Humankind proves that we are hardwired for kindness, geared toward cooperation rather than competition, and more inclined to trust rather than distrust one another. This instinct has a firm evolutionary basis going back to the beginning of Homo sapiens according to Bregman. This recent development is further supported in Nurturing Our Humanity, by Riane Eisler and Douglas P. Fry (2019) where their research discovered that partnership-based societies thrive and are less damaging than the domination model in which we now live. If we believe we can trust in the inherent nature of humans to be trustworthy and supportive, we can relax and look for the good surrounding us.
The exploration of the Divine Feminine aspect acknowledges that cooperation, collaboration, and support are the true basis of stable, inclusive, and happy communities. Trust in the benevolence of the Divine, and treat others with kindness, respect, and compassion and we will change the world.
If we expect the worst, that is what we will get. Challenges may be necessary and an inherent part of living on earth. It is part of the human experience to be ill, injured, or have setbacks. “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” Oprah Winfrey. We encounter difficulties in order to appreciate the positive. The Divine knows only love and always responds with love if we allow it. Find the beauty in the pain and turn it into a blessing. Yes, it is hard, but knowing we are ultimately here to experience life in its fullest form is to trust in the outcome.
Trusting in the Divine will change your life. As I learned to surrender to Divine Love daily, my life changed for the better. My health improved, my career changed to fulfillment, my prosperity increased, and my life was filled with love. I truly trust the Divine to support and care for me. I recommend it.
Trust Yourself
Trust resides internally within the heart and soul. Loved ones may lie, cheat, abandon, or abuse us. Religion may condemn our lifestyles or choices. Employers/bosses may take credit for our work, ideas, and talents. Retailers may sell us soddy or valueless goods. Suddenly, the world seems an unsafe place to live, and trust is inconceivable.
To relearn trust, we must begin within. When others damage our faith and trust, it affects our sense of worthiness and lovability. How can someone who cares for me, treat me this way? You may have been told you were stupid, ugly, short, fat, untalented, uncoordinated, or even had excessive expectations placed on you. It makes us feel wrong, unlovable, or broken. It directly impacts our inner sense of identity and integrity.
Begin by seeking a sense of self by finding your soul. Often, we need the help of counselors, teachers, coaches, or other experts to help heal trust issues, especially when trust was broken by loved ones at an early age. By discovering the inner world and inner peace through meditation, prayer, and individual or group self-help circles, we can separate prior experiences from our true sense of self. When we reach the stillness and silence within, we find we are whole and complete. Learning to truly love ourselves at our core is critical to trusting oneself.
Difficult events are things that happened to us; they are not us. Read more…
Blessings for courage, health, success, and happiness,
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