You haven’t heard from me for a while. This has been a busy late winter/early spring. I moved into my new home and am settling into a new city and community. I am loving my new place and Gigi is adapting well too.

In January, I contracted Covid for the second time. Then I contracted Covid for the third time in March. I assumed I had some immunity from this version. Guess not.

I thought by 2023 we would be past the Covid outbreak and be able to settle into our ‘normal’ pattern of just dealing with seasonal allergies and the flu. It appears Covid is now part of our new norm.

The war in Ukraine is still raging despite our prayers, meditations, and supportive energy. Political divisiveness and violence continue in the US. Political upset in Israel and France persists, and Somalia is dealing with another famine. Many question whether the world will ever change.

In 2012 the 5,125-year cycle of the Mayan calendar ended. The ancient civilization, which reached its peak in the Yucatan and Central America a thousand years ago, predicted the date would be marked with a rare cosmic phenomenon. This was supposed to lead us to the Age of Aquarius, a time of peace, love, and harmony. If you follow astrology in 2022, 9 planets were in retrograde at one time causing disruption and chaos. This time has been touted as the ‘new abnormal,’ with planets going forward, then backward, then forward again as we are feeling the disturbances influenced by the changing planetary energy. I certainly experience this.

What does this mean for the upcoming year? The energy of transformation remains as the old forms are hanging on and trying to resist moving into harmony. This is a time of metamorphosis. As when the caterpillar dissolves in its cocoon to transform into a butterfly, the transmutation destroys the old form in order to rebuild into something beautiful. In the interim, nothing is as it was, and all is formless.

As we shift into a new worldview of peace, harmony, and expansion the time of disruption will continue until the old order is dissolved and the dream solidifies another way of thinking, living, and being. We cannot create a different world until we define that world and put the vision into practice. While there are competing visions of the future, the present will remain unsettled.  Personal action will determine the course of the transformation. Let intuition and imagination carry fresh ideas and discover the perfect paths forward. Courage and confidence can allow your limitless potential to emerge. Take creative leaps forward with joy and excitement.

Humankind has faced crises in the past and met them with creativity and innovation. Persistence and commitment are essential to radical change at this threshold. 5,000 years of a domination mentality is moving to one of cooperation, collaboration, and sustainability. Time and effort will shift millennia of repression, greed, and over consumption. This shift affects us individually as well as collectively.

Transformation must begin within. Step out of fear and doubt and into the world of co-creation, miracles, and inner Divine power. The science of consciousness has shown that we truly can create our reality. Tap into your knowingness, be flexible, look for daily miracles. We are part of the Divine power of the Universe to manifest our personal and planetary destiny. When we accept and believe in our power to change ourselves, we change the world. To move through the chaos with less discomfort and more grace—act from an anchored perspective of calm and clarity.

When the planets align again in a positive configuration, I trust we will discover the path to peace and harmony. Believe in yourself and the ability to create world transformation.

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