We are all aware of the difficulties encountered this last year. In a recent meditation, I received a flood of visions of the traumatic years we have suffered and survived from the past decades. I realized this past year was, in fact, a another in a series of traumas the regions, country, and world have faced. We no longer live in a stable and predictable environment.

In the last 25 years our world view has been shaken to its core. 2000s arrived with the devastating 9/11 attack on the NY Twin Towers that left the US in grief and shock with international terrorism arriving on our doorstep. 2008 saw the massive real estate collapse which led to a world-wide depression and affected global banking and economic systems worldwide. The 2020 and 2021 Covd19 pandemic, and the economic recession due to lock downs and resulting isolation, hit on a personal and emotional level leaving us feeling vulnerable and depressed in our very homes and communities. The recent violent attack on the White House has shaken our faith in the stability of the US democrat institutions.

These incidents prove that we live in a different world than our ancestors. The world is changing faster. Not only are we living with advanced technology in the information age with cell phone, the internet, and streaming entertainment, but our health, social, political, and economic structures are unpredictable. No one imagined the changes we saw this last year. Although predictions of a global virus and pandemic were made by scientists and experts, past experience minimized the danger until the coronavirus hit.

So, what are we supposed to do in the face of such uncertainty? Adapt, be flexible, and have faith in the resilience of the human spirit.

Humans are experts at adaptability. We survived the Great Flood and the Ice Age of ancient times. We have survived multiple plagues, illnesses, famines, and environmental changes of the past. We have adapted through extreme religious and political persecutions of civil wars, the Spanish Inquisition, the pogroms, the Holocaust, and multiple genocide attempts of various people. It hasn’t been easy or simple. History has demonstrated humans can adapt and survive.

We can do more than survive, we can thrive. As with the Spanish flu, polio, AIDS, Ebola, SARS, and the Swine Flu pandemic, the scientific, medical, and health care communities responded. Sometimes the responses were immediate, other times it took decades to resolve, but treatments eventually resulted whether from Western medicine, energetic treatments, or alternative health sources. People have adapted and responded to crises everywhere in the world.

When economic crises arise, flexibility is the key. Whether in business, career, or at home, when the economy changes, we adjust to accommodate the altered circumstances. When gas prices skyrocketed, many resorted to bicycle riding, ride sharing, and public transportation use. When the housing market collapsed in the 2008 crash, home ownership mentality shifted. After foreclosures, lots of people recognized the benefits of renting and downsizing. Millennials and GenZs often aren’t determined to own a home these days. Renting without having to accumulate a large down payment or risking of a huge loss of value in desirable, high end real estate markets isn’t on their agenda.

We saw flexibility at its best this year as jobs moved in-home. Employees had been lobbying for working from home for decades as computers and internet speeds improved. The pandemic was the incentive to prove this an effective strategy. Many others changed careers and found their creativity emerging into home-based businesses when their jobs evaporated during the lock downs. Etsy and eBay thrived with new solo businesses as people found their passion in life looking for income generating outlets.

The American Psychology Association defines resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors. As much as resilience involves “bouncing back” from these difficult experiences, it can also involve profound personal growth.” https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience. Building your resilience. © 2021 American Psychological Association.

I have seen tremendous resilience in the last year. Through faith and trust in Spirit, the Universe, Creator, All That Is, that the future will see us through the current crisis, we have moved forward knowing that ‘this too shall pass.’ Friends going through medical crises have emerged stronger and with deeper connections to family and Spirit. Clients have moved to heal personal and family traumas identified by the introspection of isolation and meditation. Financial losses have been faced and overcome through creativity and with the support of family, friends, and community. Deeper connections to Spiritual Growth, love, and compassion have been forged by facing the trauma of loss and grief. We are bouncing back.

Keep the faith. Trust in Spirit. Know you have the strength to adapt, flex, and be resilient through all challenges. “Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.” Cicely Tyson

Blessings for Health, Prosperity, Peace, Joy, and Love,




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