Client’s Present Issue

Client lost her job in 2011 at age 53 and became depressed. She did not handle the loss constructively and processed it like a trauma, then a loss, and experienced great fear. Her father was a pilot who lost his job at age 53 when a large corporation came in and bought the company he worked for. Her father was working with attorneys to get his job back, when he was diagnosed with a fast-growing cancerous brain tumor. He died nine months later. His grandfather died early and his grandmother had to run a boarding house to survive.

Ancestral Clearing Journey

First Life

The ancestor is a hunter on the way back to his village from a scouting trip looking for a new location to move to since their present home was getting too cold to sustain the community.

When he and the other scout got back, he found the village had been overcome by an illness that had wiped out 40% of the people, including his wife and child. He was shocked and grieved by his loss. He felt guilty for having left them. An elder spoke with them about their journey and called the village together. They decided to move now in the fall instead of waiting for spring because so many were weak.

They left and found caves in a cliff before a storm hit. They had to stay temporarily but there were limited resources. On the journey to the next place, several more people died and he felt responsible. Finally, they arrived at a plain with a river and some trees. They settled there and scraped enough food to get by.

In the spring another clan arrived at the plain and although they welcomed them as neighbors, they became competitors for the resources. The ancestor married a young woman of the other clan and they had two children. Eventually, there was a fight between the clans and the ancestor was injured and disabled. He was bitter and depressed. He could never love his wife deeply because he was afraid of being hurt again if he lost her and the children. He died young, sad, withdrawn, injured and unhappy.

Second Life

The ancestor is a young boy and gets in a fight with another who accuses him of being arrogant which will cause him to make mistakes and harm others. He takes it to heart and goes to the Medicine Man. The Medicine Man encourages him to become a medicine man himself. Then he begins to learn about the plants, animals and nature as well as connection to Spirit.

Later he sees how the encroaching ice age and increasing cold will affect the sustainability of the village. He has a vision of the plain and river as a new resource and home. He and the elder Medicine Man call the village together to discuss moving. The younger members decide to marry and move about half of the village to the new location.

They leave in the spring, he with his new wife, and other younger members of the village. They establish themselves on the plain five or six years before the other clan arrives. At this point, the new clan recognizes their right to the place and there is no competition. They become neighbors and trading partners and eventually the villages merge.

The ancestor is happy with his wife and their two children. He is the Medicine Man and is a respected and loved community leader. He helps with integrating the other clan. Upon his death, his wife having passed beforehand, he was surrounded by his children, grandchildren, and friends. He felt his life was happy. He felt connected to Spirit and his people. He had a rich and full life.

What are your thoughts?

  • Why was the information about his arrogance and his propensity to make mistakes an important factor in changing his life in the second lifetime?
  • Was there anything you would have wanted to know in your early life that would have helped you make a better choice in your later life? If so, what was it?
  • Was the burden of responsibility for the deaths in the village a realistic one for the ancestor in the first life?
  • Are you carrying unrealistic burdens from the past in your life?
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