Last year seemed to be a year of building ideas and momentum. Most people and clients I know were shifting through ideas, moving homes or businesses and positioning themselves to take advantage of changing markets. This was not a time of stability or certainty but a year of searching, testing and creating in looking for new directions. Several clients had been frustrated because their efforts to move forward have not been immediately rewarded when they changed focus. The time was not ripe.

With the new year the energy has now shifted. We have moved into the energy of material success, achievement, community development, and particularly business and institutional change. We have been seeing the reforms in health care, elder and mental health care, prison and child welfare that were stymied in the last few years by the recession now being implemented. These large institutional changes have a long way to go and will take time to shift. Meanwhile personal improvements are easier to manage.

If you have been working on business, creative projects, self-development or financial achievements and have laid a solid foundation, the energy of 2015 is flowing in your favor now. The flood gates to success have now been opened and you can ride the tide.

You must have prepared for this goal in advance. Merely starting a business in January and expecting to make a million bucks without a solid plan, financial backing and hard work will not create success. Studying your market, creating your project step by step, knowing your life purpose and where you want to pour your energy, the people you want to serve in the world, and identifying your goals and how to achieve them, are the steps to moving in harmony with the Divine Plan. If you have prepared, your can expect to achieve your goals this year.

Be sure to remain in balance as you concentrate on material gains or creative endeavors. The drawback to the energy flowing into material success is failing to take note of the most important aspects of your life. Relationships with family, friends and loved ones is critical to overall happiness.  Missing the growing years of your children’s life where they had their first ball game or recital cannot be recaptured. They will never forget your nightly absence reading bedside stories  because you were at work. These precious moments are lost and cannot be made up in any currency or material gains.

Birthday or anniversary events of parents, partners or friends may not seem important until those essential people are no longer with us. I would rather attend a any type of birthday party than a funeral. Pay attention to daily chances open your heart and love to the fullest. It is good for your health and happiness.

Many Blessing for Health, Prosperity, Joy, Happiness and Love,

Ariann Thomas

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