Package: 3 Pack ALC Sessions


A $940 Value for only $759

Package of 3 Ancestral Clearing Sessions includes:

  • 3 Ancestral Lineage Clearing sessions
  • BONUS: Ask Your Ancestors Meditation

Most people have more than one ancestral pattern that needs clearing to get the healing they are desiring. This package is set up for people who are ready to unpeel the layers of the onion and get through all the layers. The package of 3 ALC sessions is meant to be completed over a 90-day period, with at least 30 days between sessions.

Services or Programs provided by Ariann are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. See full disclaimer.

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The Package consists of:

Three Ancestral Lineage Clearing Sessions—Three 2-hour private session with Ariann guiding you on a Shamanic journey to your ancestor to clear and heal the generational family patterns that started the trauma in your family and will shift the energy from you and your descendants now and in the future. (Value $900)

BONUS – Ask Your Ancestor for Advice Meditation Video – If you want assistance with an issue that is causing interference in your life, gain confidence in your ability to make good choices and clear obstacles that stand in the way of your happiness, here is a meditation you can use over and over again to contact your ancestors whenever you have a problem that you need wisdom, insight and support to resolve. ($50 Value)

Many people grow up in difficult family circumstances where abuse, abandonment, neglect, addiction, poverty, dis-ease or health limitations are present throughout their formative years. If you have identified a combination of factors from your family that negatively impact your life, this 3 Session Package may be right for you.

Total Value for the Package Sessions $940.

Get the Complete Trauma Freedom Package for $759 now.

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