
Group ALC Session: Father’s Day (Replay)

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $69.00.

Have you always longed for a great relationship with your father, but the reality was far from ideal in your family?

  • Was your father absent from abandonment, death, disease, PTSD, war, alcoholism, drug addiction, or neglect?
  • Was he abusive, violent, mentally ill, or a workaholic?
  • Or, was he merely an invisible father, leaving child-rearing to the mother figure and appearing only to mete out punishment or orders?
  • Is there a pattern of generational father neglect or abuse in your family background?

Having a trying paternal relationship with your primary father figure can cause relationship issues in intimate partnerships in later life. This manifests in a variety of ways, such as:

  • An inability to trust, constantly expecting abandonment, neglect, and betrayal;
  • A failure to communicate thoughts, feelings, and desires, fearing exposure of vulnerability to hurt and pain;
  • Lack of sexual, and emotional intimacy based on an inability to lower boundaries raised in childhood for protection;
  • A continuing feeling of a lack of self-worth, self-esteem, failure, and not being good enough to meet unspoken expectations.

In an Ancestral Lineage Clearing, Ariann uses a Shamanic healing and clearing process to transform the generational family pattern for you and your descendants.

In this Group Session,

  • Unwanted paternal patterns will reveal where and when the original break in the loving, caring, father role was made.
  • These wounds will be healed and cleared so that a loving, caring, and supportive father pattern can be re-established in the family.
  • The negative energy from the old pattern will be released so that it no longer plagues you and your family.
  • You will be given an exercise to set the new energy in your field to maintain this new family pattern.

This is a Replay of the live session from June 2020. It can be used over and over to clear deeper into the same issue or address a new issue.

Services or Programs provided by Ariann are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. See full disclaimer.



I enjoyed the Ancestral Lineage Clearing Father’s Day Group session on Friday, June 19th. I absolutely loved your mediation and the varied chants, singing, and other instruments you played afterward. That was actually my favorite part.

“After doing the mediation and the exercises you recommended I did experience some very extraordinary changes in my life though very incrementally. I want to thank you for a wonderful Father’s Day mediation last month!”

Father’s Day Group ALC Session

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