Ancestral Lineage Clearing Practitioner Certification (4 Mo)


This is the 4-payment option for the Ancestral Lineage Clearing Practitioner Certification Course.

You will be charged every 30 days for a total of 4 payments.

The course material will be available one lesson per month, with the final classes available upon final payment.

If you wish to receive the full access to the course at one time, you can purchase the Pay-in-Full Payment Option here.

Pay with Payment Plans

4 Monthly Payments

Initial Payable: $250.00

Total Payable: $1,000.00

View more

Payment Amount Payment Date
$250.00 October 17, 2024 10:42 pm
$250.00 November 16, 2024 10:42 pm
$250.00 December 16, 2024 10:42 pm
$250.00 January 15, 2025 10:42 pm


Ancestral Lineage Clearing (ALC) is an advanced healing technique where a person energetically travels back into their family’s past to change—at the genetic level—an unwanted embedded family pattern in order to bring more happiness, health, joy, prosperity or better relationships into their own AND their descendants’ lives.

By the end of this course, you will be proficient in using ALC to shift energy and remove these patterns for yourself or others. Our online format lets you study ALC at your own pace and schedule!

General Learners Track

Practitioner Track

Course includes:

  • Personal ALC Session with Ariann
  • Textbook: Healing Family Patterns: Ancestral Lineage Clearing for Personal Growth by Ariann Thomas (PDF)
  • 5 full-cover Study Guides explaining the theory and practice
  • 5 class Audio Recordings to supplement your study guides
  • Prayer Card beautifully formatted for printing
  • Session Template to record session summaries for clients
  • Core Belief and Intention Statement Worksheet
  • Glossary of key ALC terms
  • References and resources listing
  • Convenient online learning portal
  • Certificate download after graduation (Practitioner track only)


“Through her gentle prayers and guidance, Ariann introduced me to ancestors whose choices have affected my life and those of many others. Seeing the upshot of their actions, each was more than willing to choose differently in order to clear the lineage. I have since watched the unfoldment of my own life, finding acceptance at last for my need to quest and to more fully live who I truly am. My work continues, one step, one day at a time. The lineage clearing work has proven to be a huge boost along the road I am walking in this lifetime. Thank you, Ariann!” —Mira S

What will I learn?

By the end of the program, you will be able to:

  • Identify limiting family patterns and the underlying core beliefs creating the patterns.
  • Understand the theory and creation of the limiting beliefs.
  • Learn to contact the ancestor who originated the limiting pattern and create a new pattern.
  • Release the energy of limiting patterns and replace it with positive energy that will remain in your energy field.

You’ll complete five in-depth lessons, plus practicals for the Practitioner track.

[accordion][toggle title=”The Foundational Theory” stated=”opened”]An overview of ALC, including its history and benefits. You will learn about families, their importance, and how problems can develop and transmit from generation to generation. You will also learn about scientific topics like DNA, genetics, time, probability, and quantum mechanics in order to understand how ALC works.[/toggle][toggle title=”Theory of Energy Healing of the Body“]A specific look at the how the energy systems of the body are affected by challenges that are manifested by heritage issues buried in the code of DNA that seek to be healed. Importantly, you will learn for whom, for what issues, and when ALC is appropriate, as well as when it is inappropriate.[/toggle][toggle title=”Uncovering the Core Belief and Setting the Intention for the Ancestor“]The beginning of the actual process of ALC. It is essential to define the issue/issues to be dealt with in the session and to refine those issues and discover the actual Core Beliefs underlying the Family Patterns that need healing in the session. Once the underlying core beliefs have been identified, then writing out the specific Intention Statement to find the original ancestor to shift the heritage pattern is necessary.[/toggle][toggle title=”The Ceremony: Journeying to Find the Ancestor“]Learn how to create a safe space and hone in on your or your client’s preferred mode of information intake so that you can customize the ceremony accordingly. We then proceed through the 9 specific steps involved in safely journeying to the ancestor and back, including asking the ancestor to change the choice point, setting in that new energy, and troubleshooting tips if there is difficulty in locating the ancestor.[/toggle][toggle title=”The Ceremony: Releasing the Energy and Setting the New Pattern“]After completing the journey to visit the ancestor and shift the ancestor’s life to a more positive probability dimension, we are now back to this time and place. We have brought back the new energy from the ancestor’s second lifetime, but the old energy still resides in the family DNA pattern, although it has been shaken up and loosened. Now it is our task to remove it. We will discuss techniques to do so and cover four specific steps followed by a closing prayer.[/toggle][toggle title=”Practicals (Practitioner track only)“] The capstone of the certification program. You will conduct 5 sample individual ALC sessions, demonstrate the capability to practice on your own, fill the client ALC form, and discuss your findings and any challenges with Ariann.[/toggle][/accordion]

Who would benefit from this program?

If you or somebody you know are feeling like you can’t do anything about the pain you are experiencing and you just have to live with it, this is an indicator that a pattern needs to shift! Patterns can include financial stress, inherited chronic health conditions or depression, and family abuse patterns. The ALC program teaches you how to use ALC to heal yourself or, in the practitioner track, your clients.

  • Healers of all walks find that ALC broadens their healing toolkit, empowering them to support clients on their path to wellness.
  • Hypnotherapists find that ALC enhances their work by expanding on their field’s foundational techniques.
  • Learners interested in personal growth use these techniques to continue to clear and heal patterns that arise in themselves.
  • The family healer who takes care of everyone’s challenges find that ALC helps them consciously move into their healing power.

Breaking the chain of generational disease, emotional abuse, and poverty is a powerfully freeing experience.

General Learners Track

Practitioner Track

“The course Ariann teaches on Ancestral Lineage Clearing is a tremendous gift. Not only did I received information to validate her method of healing. I received a comprehensive education with experiential training, healing and supervision working with clients. Ariann provides all of this with deep love, compassion, fun, and encouragement. The work is incredible just like her! ” —Julie M.

“I enjoyed Ariann’s style of teaching, guidance, and confidence in her students’ ability to learn the skills she imparted…. Ariann’s experience, gentle management of student expectations, clear explanation of the healing process made the learning experience most enjoyable, and easy to follow and accomplish… This journey has given me a deeper understanding what is to be a ‘link breaker’ in the form of self and family healing Ancestral Linage Clearing creates.” —Anonymous Response to 2014 ALC Class Student Survey

“Beside my own healing, I came out of this class with a deep understanding of how ALC works and how profoundly efficient simplicity is. And when I mention the word simplicity, I mean holding sacred space with the power of simply breathing and concentrated consciousness. No fuss about prayers. A sincere call to what our hearts keeps dear and Gratitude.” —Anonymous Response to 2014 ALC Class Student Survey

About Ariann Thomas, BS, JD

Ariann ThomasAriann Thomas, the originator of Ancestral Lineage Clearing, has been involved in the healing arts for over 30 years. Part Cherokee by heritage, she is a ceremonialist, elder, intuitive reader, Shamanic practitioner, healer, and Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist.

After retiring as an Assistant Attorney General with the Oregon Department of Justice due to a chronic medical condition, her health challenges led her to deepen her connection to Spirit and explore her Native American roots in order to heal. She studied many Western and alternative healing modalities, eventually discovering Ancestral Lineage Clearing (ALC) as a gift from Spirit.

Today, Ariann’s primary practice is teaching and using ALC to help clients clear adverse family genetic patterns and find happiness. She is presently writing a second volume to her 2012 book, Healing Family Patterns. She also offers services such as Shamanic Journey Sessions, hands-on-healing touch, and energetic healing work, and is the Co-Founder and Administrative Director of the non-profit New Dream Foundation.

Which track should I take?

CertificateIf you plan to provide ALC sessions to others, you should take the Practitioner track. If you plan to study ALC mainly for yourself and your own enlightenment or benefit, the General Learner track is sufficient. General Learner students can upgrade to the practitioner track after enrollment for an additional fee. You can view the certification program requirements here.

Benefits of the Practitioner track include:

  • You will receive a Certification as a Practitioner of Ancestral Lineage Clearing after graduation.
  • At your option, you may be listed in our “Practitioner Listings” with your information at no charge on a permanent basis.
  • As a former student, you are entitled to retake an in-person ALC refresher class at reduced tuition.
  • You can also contact me for advice if you have questions or issues arise with your clients about the healing work using ALC during your first year of practice.
  • I generally give my students discounted rates for private ALC sessions.

General Learners Track

Practitioner Track

“Learning how to find and clear ancestral energy influences for improving my life, changing beliefs, improving health, and the inspiration to share it with others. It has given me more options to offer those who come to me for healing. THANK YOU! In addition, it has given me the desire to share and facilitate the process with others too, if they are interested.” —Anonymous Response to 2014 ALC Class Student Survey

In-Person Workshops in California

An in-person class may be schedule in Fall 2017 if sufficient interest is shown. In Person California Class are set from Friday night 6-9 pm PDT through 4 pm Sunday PDT in Grass Valley, CA, USA. Price is the same as the virtual class.

An intensive 2 1/2 day class beginning Friday night through Sunday afternoon in Grass Valley, California (nearest airports are Sacramento, CA and Reno, NV). Lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday.

  • Location: Grass Valley, CA
  • Cost: $799
  • Certification: class participants may pursue certification as an ALC Practioner with completion of additional requirements (read requirements here)
  • Class size: limited to 10 participants.
  • Contact: or 928-284-5738 if interested in attending

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